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Constitution (approved at the Annual General Meeting 12th March 2020)

1.         The purpose of the Salisbury Wine Interest Group (SWIG) is to enable members to learn about wines and spirits, hopefully to increase members’ knowledge and enjoyment in a social environment.

2.         SWIG is a not-for-profit members’ club. If SWIG ceases to operate, any surplus will be donated to a local charity at the discretion of the Committee.

3.         SWIG membership is open to anyone aged 18 or over interested in wines and spirits upon completion of a Full Membership Form and payment of the annual fee, pro-rated to the Renewal Date – whereupon an applicant becomes a Full Member. Annual renewal fees are payable on April 1stof each year (the “Renewal Date”). The annual fee is not refundable and is intended to be used as follows:

     a.   To provide SWIG with operating cash flow, principally for wines purchased in            advance.

     b.   To enable SWIG to meet any event shortfalls.

     c.    To cover the cost of equipment and administrative expenses.

Full Members are entitled to bring guests (aged 18 or over) to events upon payment of the Event Charge plus a Guest Fee for each guest.  Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aged 18 or over, for the behaviour of their guests, and for advising them about the need to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If Guests enrol as Full Members after an event, the Guest Fee for that event will be refunded if membership commences in the month of the event and the guest remains a Full Member for at least three months.


4.         SWIG also offers a Pay as You Go (“PAYG”) membership for those (aged 18 or over) who would like to attend events - but do not wish to become Full Members - upon completion of a PAYG Membership Form. In addition to the Event Charge, PAYG Members also pay a PAYG Fee for each event. PAYG Members do not have the same rights as Full Members as set out in this Constitution. If PAYG Members enrol as Full Members after an event, the PAYG FEE for that event will be offset against future annual membership dues if membership commences in the month of the event. PAYG fees are not refundable.


5.         There will be 12 events each year subject to demand.


6.         There will be a charge (the “Event Charge”) for each event payable in advance of attendance to cover direct costs. Guest Fees and PAYG Fees must also be paid in advance.


7.         All communication will be by electronic means.


8.         Attendance at events may be limited, primarily for the following reasons:

      a.   a 75cl bottle will serve only a maximum of 24 people for tasting purposes

      b.   venue limitations - our current venue has a maximum audience of 45


Generally, attendance will be determined on a first come, first served basis. Full Members take priority over guests and PAYG Members. Places will only be confirmed for guests and PAYG Members if places remain one week after the event notification is sent out by the Membership Secretary.


9.         Members and/or their guests may be excluded for inappropriate behaviour at the absolute discretion of the Committee.


10.     The administration of SWIG will be overseen by a Committee comprising a Chairman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary (the “Officers”). All Officer positions are unpaid, although certain expenses may be reimbursed. The Committee is empowered to make all decisions necessary for the operation of SWIG, including the appointment of bankers and to make reasonable changes to this Constitution, such changes to be subject to approval at the subsequent Annual General Meeting (AGM). Decisions of the Committee require a simple majority. The quorum is two Officers and all decisions require at least two votes in favour to be approved. The Committee will be supported by other Full Members on an ad-hoc basis. Officers will stand down at the AGM, but may offer themselves for re-election. If sufficient Full Members wish to terminate an Officer’s position ahead of the AGM, they should consider calling an EGM. 


11.     The event activities of SWIG will be overseen by the Tasting Advisory Group (the “TAG”) which will be chaired by the Chairman of the Committee. Any Full Member of SWIG can contribute to TAG and should notify the Chairman of their interest. TAG will publish an events schedule on SWIG’s website. 


12.     The financial year of SWIG shall be the 12 months ending on 31st December.


13.     An AGM will be held each year. Only current Full Members are entitled to attend and vote. All business will be determined by a simple majority if a vote is required. The Committee Chairman has a casting vote. The AGM will precede one of SWIG’s wine tasting events. Notice will be sent out with the relevant event email. Agenda items will include:

    a.   Accounts for the previous year, approved by the Committee, will be presented           to members.

    b.   Changes to the Constitution will be placed before members for approval.

    c.   Any Other Business (AOB)

    d.   Election of Officers for the following year. A member must be a Full Member             to occupy an Officer position.


14.     Full Members may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) by submitting an email request to any current Committee member (the EGM Request), which must include a letter stating the reason for the request and be signed by at least five current Full Members. The EGM will take place at the next tasting event which is at least fourteen clear days after the date of the EGM Request. The membership will be advised by email together with a copy of the letter in the EGM Request.


15.     Current policies, forms, fees and a list of current Officers are available on SWIG’s website at

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